Preparation for Out Patient department patients
- Please take prior appointment.
- One relative with the patient is necessary.
- 3-4 hours empty stomach required for some CT scan / MRI studies only. (Ask front desk in case of any doubt).
- Serum creatine blood test report required for contrast studies.
- Please bring all previous medical records & scans at the time of procedure.
- Please inform the Dr. for any metallic objects such as cardiac pacemaker, cardiac valve prosthesis, cervical aneurysms / bypass clips / artificial limbs, any metallic / electric implants, metal fragments in the body.
- Please inform if any history of asthma / drug allergies.
- (For female patients) If you have missed your periods or pregnant then please inform the staff prior to CT scan / MRI.
- If any queries contact on front desk. 9821885959 / 25675959 / 25675969.
Preparation for In Patient department patients
- Please take prior appointment.
- One relative with the patient is necessary.
- Please ask patients relative to take oral contrast from our scan centre.
- 3-4 hours empty stomach required for some CT scan / MRI studies only. (Ask front desk in case of any doubt).
- Serum creatine blood test report required for contrast studies.
- Please bring all previous medical records & scans at the time of procedure.
- R.M.O. to accompany with the patient (if patient is unstable).
- Send patient without jewellery, hairpins, metal dentures.
- Please inform the Dr. for any metallic objects such as cardiac pacemaker, cardiac valve prosthesis, cervical aneurysms / bypass clips / artificial limbs, any metallic / electric implants, metal fragments in the body.
- Please inform if any history of asthma / drug allergies.
- (For female patients) If you have missed your periods or pregnant then please inform the staff prior to CT scan / MRI.
- If any queries contact on front desk. 9821885959 / 25675959 / 25675969.